Text manipulation
Text manipulation (11 min)
(This example was kindly provided by John Simpson.)
In this section we’ll use two tools for text manipulation: sed and tr. Our goal is to calculate the frequency of all dictionary words in the novel “The Invisible Man” by Herbert Wells (public domain). First, let’s apply our knowledge of grep to this text:
Quick reference:
sed 's/pattern1/pattern2/' filename # replace pattern1 with pattern2, one per line
sed 's/pattern1/pattern2/g' filename # same but multiple per line
sed 's|pattern1|pattern2|g' filename # same
cat wellsInvisibleMan.txt | tr -d "[:punct:]" > invisibleNoPunct.txt # remove punctuation; tr only takes standard input
cat invisibleNoPunct.txt | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' > invisibleClean.txt # convert all upper case to lower case:
cat invisibleClean.txt | sed 's/ /\'$'\n/g' > invisibleList.txt # replace spaces with new lines;
# \'$'\n is a shortcut for a new line
sed '/^$/d' invisibleList.txt > invisibleCompact.txt # remove empty lines
cat invisibleCompact.txt | sort | uniq -c > invisibleWords.txt # sort the list alphabetically, count each word's occurrence
cat invisibleWords.txt | sort -gr > invisibleFrequencyList.txt # sort the list into most frequent words
Column-based text processing with awk
scripting language (8 min)
Quick reference:
ls -l | awk 'NR>3 {print $5 " " $9}' # print 5th and 9th columns starting with line 4
awk 'NR>1 && NR < 5' haiku.txt # print lines 2-4
awk '/Yesterday|Today/' haiku.txt # print lines that contain Yesterday or Today