HPC Day 1 mid-day session

  1. Are there any questions on the materials you just watched?
  2. Let’s go together through the challenges, do some exercises, and debug problems.

Click on a triangle to expand a question:

Question 1 Let’s log in to the training cluster. Try to access /home, /scratch, /project on the training cluster. Note that these only emulate the real production filesystems and have no speed benefits on the training cluster.
Question 2 Edit a remote file in nano or vi or emacs. Use cat or more to view its content in the terminal.
Question 3 Load the default GNU compiler with module command. Which version is it? Try to understand what the module does: run module show on it, echo $PATH, which gcc.
Question 4 Load the default Intel compiler. Which version is it? Does it work on the training cluster?
Question 5 Can you spot the third compiler family when you do module avail?
Question 6 What other modules does scipy-stack/2022a load?
Question 7 How many versions of python3 do we have? What about python2?
Question 8 Think of a software package that you use. Check if it is installed on the cluster, and share your findings.
Question 9 Transfer a file to/from the cluster (we did this already in bash class) using either command line or GUI. Type “done” into the chat when done.
Question 10 Can you explain (1-2 sentences) how HPC can help us solve problems? Why a desktop/workstation not sufficient? Maybe, you can give an example from your field?
Question 11 Try left+right or upper+lower split panes in tmux. Edit a file in one and run bash commands in the other. Trying disconnecting and then reconnecting to the same session.
Question 12 In introHPC/codes, compile {pi,sharedPi,distributedPi}.c files. Try running a short serial code on the login node (not longer than a few seconds: modify the number of terms in the summation).
Question 13a Write a makefile to replace these compilations commands with make {serial,openmp,mpi}.
Question 13b

Add target all.

Add target clean. Try implementing clean for all executable files in the current directory, no matter what they are called.