Distributed.jl - part 2

Solution 1: an array of Future references

We could create an array (using array comprehension) of Future references and then add up their respective results. An array comprehension is similar to Python’s list comprehension:

a = [i for i in 1:5];   # array comprehension in Julia
typeof(a)               # 1D array of Int64

We can cycle through all available workers:

[w for w in workers()]                      # array of worker IDs
[(i,w) for (i,w) in enumerate(workers())]   # array of tuples (counter, worker ID)

Exercise “Distributed.3”

Using this syntax, construct an array r of Futures, and then get their results and sum them up with

print("total = ", sum([fetch(r[i]) for i in 1:nworkers()]))

You can do this exercise using either the array comprehension from above, or the good old for loops.

With two workers and two CPU cores, we should get times very similar to the last run. However, now our code can scale to much larger numbers of cores!

Exercise “Distributed.4”

If you did the previous exercise with an interactive job, now submit a Slurm batch job running the same code on 4 CPU cores. Next, try 8 cores. Did your timing change?

Solution 2: parallel for loop with summation reduction

Unlike the Base.Threads module, Distributed provides a parallel loop with reduction. This means that we can implement a parallel loop for computing the sum. Let’s write parallelFor.jl with this version of the function:

function slow(n::Int64, digits::Int)
    @time total = @distributed (+) for i in 1:n
        !digitsin(digits, i) ? 1.0 / i : 0
    println("total = ", total);

A couple of important points:

  1. We don’t need @everywhere to define this function. It is a parallel function defined on the control process, and running on the control process.
  2. The only expression inside the loop is the compact if/else statement. Consider this:
1==2 ? println("Yes") : println("No")

The outcome of the if/else statement is added to the partial sums at each loop iteration, and all these partial sums are added together.

Now let’s measure the times:

# slow(10, 9)
precompile(slow, (Int, Int))
slow(Int64(1e8), 9)   # total = 13.277605949855722

Exercise “Distributed.5”

Switch from using @time to using @btime in this code. What changes did you have to make?

This will produce the single time for the entire parallel loop (1.498s in my case).

Exercise “Distributed.6”

Repeat on 8 CPU cores. Did your timing improve?

I tested this code (parallelFor.jl) on Cedar with v1.5.2 and n=Int64(1e9):

#SBATCH --ntasks=...   # number of MPI tasks
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1-1   # change process distribution across nodes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3600M
#SBATCH --time=0:5:0
#SBATCH --account=...
module load julia
# comment out addprocs() in the code
julia -p $SLURM_NTASKS parallelFor.jl
Code Time
serial 48.2s
4 cores, same node 12.2s
8 cores, same node 7.6s
16 cores, same node 6.8s
32 cores, same node 2.0s
32 cores across 6 nodes 11.3s

Solution 3: use pmap to map arguments to processes

Let’s write mappingArguments.jl with a new version of slow() that will compute partial sum on each worker:

@everywhere function slow((n, digits, taskid, ntasks))   # the argument is now a tuple
    println("running on worker ", myid())
	total = 0.0
	@time for i in taskid:ntasks:n   # partial sum with a stride `ntasks`
        !digitsin(digits, i) && (total += 1.0 / i)   # compact if statement (similar to bash)

and launch the function on each worker:

slow((10, 9, 1, 1))   # package arguments in a tuple; serial run
nw = nworkers()
args = [(Int64(1e8), 9, j, nw) for j in 1:nw]   # array of tuples to be mapped to workers
println("total = ", sum(pmap(slow, args)))      # launch the function on each worker and sum the results

These two syntaxes are equivalent:

sum(pmap(slow, args))
sum(pmap(x->slow(x), args))

We see the following times from individual processes:

From worker 2:	running on worker 2
From worker 3:	running on worker 3
From worker 4:	running on worker 4
From worker 5:	running on worker 5
From worker 2:	  0.617099 seconds
From worker 3:	  0.619604 seconds
From worker 4:	  0.656923 seconds
From worker 5:	  0.675806 seconds
total = 13.277605949854518

Hybrid parallelism

Here is a simple example of a hybrid multi-threaded / multi-processing code contributed by Xavier Vasseur following the October 2021 workshop:

using Distributed
@everywhere using Base.Threads

@everywhere function greetings_from_task(())
    @threads for i=1:nthreads()
	println("Hello from thread $(threadid()) on proc $(myid())")

args_pmap  = [() for j in workers()];
pmap(x->greetings_from_task(x), args_pmap)

Save this code as hybrid.jl and then run it specifying the number of workers with -p and the number of threads per worker with -t flags:

[~/tmp]$ julia -p 4 -t 2 hybrid.jl 
      From worker 5:	Hello, I am thread 2 on proc 5
      From worker 5:	Hello, I am thread 1 on proc 5
      From worker 2:	Hello, I am thread 1 on proc 2
      From worker 2:	Hello, I am thread 2 on proc 2
      From worker 3:	Hello, I am thread 1 on proc 3
      From worker 3:	Hello, I am thread 2 on proc 3
      From worker 4:	Hello, I am thread 1 on proc 4
      From worker 4:	Hello, I am thread 2 on proc 4

Optional integration with Slurm

ClusterManagers.jl package lets you submit Slurm jobs from your Julia code. This way you can avoid writing a separate Slurm script in bash, and put everything (Slurm submission + parallel launcher + computations) into a single code. Moreover, you can use Julia as a language for writing complex HPC workflows, i.e. write your own distributed worflow manager for the cluster.

However, for the types of workflows we consider in this workshop ClusterManagers.jl is an overkill, and we don’t recommend it for beginner Julia users.