Parallelizing Julia set

The Julia set problem was described in one of the earlier sections.


How would we parallelize this problem with multi-processing? We have a large array, so we can use DistributedArrays and compute it in parallel. Here are the steps:

  1. Load Distributed on the control process.
  2. Load DistributedArrays on all processes.
  3. stability array should be distributed:
stability = dzeros(Int32, height, width);   # distributed 2D array of 0's
  1. Define function pixel() on all processes.
  2. Create fillLocalBlock(stability) to compute local pieces stability.localpart on each worker in parallel. If you don’t know where to start, begin with checking the complete example with fillLocalBlock() from the previous section. This function will cycle through all local indices localindices(stability). This function needs to be defined on all processes.
  3. Replace the loop
@btime for i in 1:height, j in 1:width
    point = (2*(j-0.5)/width-1) + (2*(i-0.5)/height-1)im
    stability[i,j] = pixel(point)


@btime @sync for w in workers()
    @spawnat w fillLocalBlock(stability)
  1. Why do we need @sync in the previous for block?
  2. To the best of my knowledge, both Plots’ heatmap() and NetCDF’s ncwrite() are serial in Julia, and they cannot take distributed arrays. How do we convert a distributed array to a local array to pass to one of these functions?
  3. Is your parallel code faster?

Results for 1000^2

Finally, here are my timings on (some old iteration of) the training cluster:

Code Time on login node (p-flavour vCPUs) Time on compute node (c-flavour vCPUs)
julia juliaSetSerial.jl (serial runtime) 147.214 ms 123.195 ms
julia -p 1 juliaSetDistributedArrays.jl (on 1 worker) 157.043 ms 128.601 ms
julia -p 2 juliaSetDistributedArrays.jl (on 2 workers) 80.198 ms 66.449 ms
julia -p 4 juliaSetDistributedArrays.jl (on 4 workers) 42.965 ms 66.849 ms
julia -p 8 juliaSetDistributedArrays.jl (on 8 workers) 36.067 ms 67.644 ms

Lots of things here to discuss!

One could modify our parallel code to offload some computation to the control process (not just compute on workers as we do now), so that you would see speedup when running on 2 CPUs (control process + 1 worker).