
Unlike distributed DArray from DistributedArrays.jl, a SharedArray object is stored in full on the control process, but it is shared across all workers on the same node, with a significant cache on each worker. SharedArrays package is part of Julia’s Standard Library (comes with the language).

  • Similar to DistributedArrays, you can read elements using their global indices from any worker.
  • Unlike with DistributedArrays, with SharedArrays you can write into any part of the array from any worker using their global indices. This makes it very easy to parallelize any serial code.

There are certain downsides to SharedArray (compared to DistributedArrays.jl):

  1. The ability to write into the same array elements from multiple processes creates the potential for a race condition and indeterministic outcome with a poorly written code!
  2. You are limited to a set of workers on the same node (does SharedArrays predate DistributedArrays?).
  3. You will have very skewed (non-uniform across processes) memory usage.

Let’s start with serial Julia (julia) and initialize a 1D shared array:

using Distributed, SharedArrays
a = SharedArray{Float64}(30);
a[:] .= 1.0           # assign from the control process
@fetchfrom 2 sum(a)   # correct (30.0)
@fetchfrom 3 sum(a)   # correct (30.0)
@sync @spawnat 2 a[:] .= 2.0   # can assign from any worker!
@fetchfrom 3 sum(a)            # correct (60.0)

You can use a function to initialize an array, however, pay attention to the result:

b = SharedArray{Int64}((1000), init = x -> x .= 0);    # use a function to initialize `b`
b = SharedArray{Int64}((1000), init = x -> x .+= 1)   # each worker updates the entire array in-place!

Key idea: each worker runs this function!

Here is another demo with a problem – let’s fill each element with its corresponding myid() value:

@everywhere println(myid())     # let's use these IDs in the next function
c = SharedArray{Int64}((20), init = x -> x .= myid())   # indeterminate outcome! each time a new result

Each worker updates every element, but the order in which they do this varies from one run to another, producing indeterminate outcome.

@everywhere using SharedArrays   # otherwise `localindices` won't be found on workers
for i in workers()
    @spawnat i println(localindices(c))   # this block is assigned for processing on worker `i`

What we really want is each worker should fill only its assigned block (parallel init, same result every time):

c = SharedArray{Int64}((20), init = x -> x[localindices(x)] .= myid())

Another way to avoid a race condition: use parallel for loop

Let’s initialize a 2D SharedArray:

a = SharedArray{Float64}(100,100);
@distributed for i in 1:100     # parallel for loop split across all workers
    for j in 1:100
	    a[i,j] = myid()           # ID of the worker that initialized this element
for i in workers()
    @spawnat i println(localindices(a))   # weird: shows 1D indices for 2D array
a                           # available on all workers
a[1:10,1:10]                # on the control process
@fetchfrom 2 a[1:10,1:10]   # on worker 2