What is Singularity / Apptainer
Apptainer (until recently called Singularity):
- is an open-source project developed within the research community since 2015, first by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- goal: create a portable system to run Linux applications on HPC clusters independently of the specific host Linux version and distro, i.e. distribute software and its compute environment
- creates a custom, secure virtual Linux environment (a container) that is different from the host Linux
- e.g., on a CentOS/Rocky Linux machine you can create a virtual Ubuntu system where you can install any packaged software from the Ubuntu repositories
- in a sense, gives you control of your software environment without being
on the host system (with a catch: creating containers from scratch usually requiresroot
) - you can install any system packages and all dependencies for your software as packages inside the container
- quickly became a way to package and deploy scientific software and its dependencies to different HPC systems
- is different from Docker, as it does not require
access on the host system to run it- specifically designed for running containers on multi-user HPC cluster s
- on a Linux host is very lightweight compared to a full virtual machine (VM)
- on Mac or Windows can be deployed inside a VM (still requires a Linux host layer ➜ a VM)
- from the technical standpoint, uses:
- kernel namespaces to virtualize and isolate OS resources (CPU, memory access, disk I/O, network access, user/group namespaces), so that processes inside the container see only a specific, virtualized set of resources
- Linux control groups (cgroups) to control and limit the use of these resources
- overlay filesystems to enable the appearance of writing to otherwise read-only filesystems
Why use a container
Idea: package and distribute the software environment along with the application, i.e. create a portable software environment.
- avoid compiling complex software chains from scratch for the host’s Linux OS
- run software in the environment where it might not be available as a package, or run older software
- use a familiar software environment everywhere where you can run Singularity, e.g. across different HPC centres
- create a consistent testing environment independently of the underlying system
- transfer pipelines from a test environment to a production environment
- popular, but somewhat dubious reason: data reproducibility (use the same software environment as the authors ➜ same result)
Installing/running Singularity on your own computer
- on a Linux system (we will install Singularity as a package inside our VM from Tuesday)
- in a VM running Linux (on any host OS)
- within Vagrant for Windows (WSL) or MacOS
- inside Docker (download a Docker image with Singularity installed)
An image is a bundle of files including an operating system, software and potentially data and other
application-related files. Singularity uses the Singularity Image Format (SIF), and images are provided as
single .sif
A container is a virtual environment that is based on an image. You can start multiple container instances from an image.
An operating system (OS) is all the software that let you interact with a computer, run applications, UI, etc, consists of the “kernel” and “userland” parts.
A kernel is the central piece of software that manages hardware and provides resources (CPU, I/O, memory, devices, filesystems) to the processes it is running.
A filesystem is an organized collection of files. Under UNIX/Linux, there is a single hierarchy under /
and additional filesystems are “mounted” somewhere under that hierarchy.
Containers vs virtual machines
- Container = the OS-level mechanism to isolate some parts of the OS along with a given application.
- virtualizes an operating system
- lets you run an application compiled for a specific Linux OS on another Linux OS
- almost no performance overhead
- Virtual machine (VM) = complete isolation from the host OS via virtualized hardware
- virtualizes hardware
- maximum flexibility, can mix any combination of host and guest OS’s
- significant performance overhead, as you run on simulated hardware
Docker: container platform for services, runs as root on the host system, uses cgroups for resource
management between different VMs on a given node, very popular with software developers, can’t really use it
on HPC systems (no root
or sudo
possible for users on clusters + cgroups resource management will conflict
with HPC resource managers).
Singularity: run containers entirely in user space, as a user, can use existing Docker containers (Singularity will convert them to proper Singularity containers for you), works seamlessly with the schedulers.
There are few other container engines focusing on specific features.
Singularity on HPC systems
module load singularity
singularity --version # singularity version 3.7.4 on the training cluster
singularity # see the list of available commands
module load apptainer
apptainer --version # apptainer version 1.0.2 on production clusters
apptainer # see the list of available commands