High-performance computing (HPC)

Tuesday, May 17  &  Thursday, May 19
9:30am–12:30pm Pacific Time

Both days, this course will start at 9:30am Pacific Time and will run until 12:30pm. Its format will be a combination of several interactive Zoom sessions and pre-recorded reading and video materials in-between the Zoom sessions. Course materials will be added here shortly before the start of the course.

You can now download today’s materials (ZIP file with slides and codes inside).

This course is an introduction to High-Performance Computing on Compute Canada clusters.

Instructor: Alex Razoumov (SFU)

Prerequisites: working knowledge of the Linux Bash shell. We will provide guest accounts to one of our Linux systems.

Software: All attendees will need a remote secure shell (SSH) client installed on their computer in order to participate in the course exercises. On Windows we recommend the free Home Edition of MobaXterm. On Mac and Linux computers SSH is usually pre-installed (try typing ssh in a terminal to make sure it is there).

Zoom   Day 1 - 9:30am-9:45am Pacific
Opening morning session
On your own
Overview (20 min)
Basics (28 min)
Languages and tools (61 min)
Zoom   Day 1 - 11:30am-12:30pm Pacific
Mid-day session

Zoom   Day 2 - 9:30am-10:00am Pacific
Morning session
On your own
Scheduling (66 min)
Best practices, file sharing, and summary (9 min)
Zoom   Day 2 - 11:30am-12:30pm Pacific
Closing mid-day session